Journey through 
Cold Mountain

Quest for Eleventh Grade

Designed by:
Marsha Sweeney     [email protected]
    Richard Saucier       [email protected]
     Jerrod Smith           [email protected]

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits


     As you read Cold Mountain, you will explore several different aspects of literary analysis.  So put on your reading glasses and prepare for a discovery of various perceptions!  You will live through this story as a doctor, scientist, anthropologist, sociologist, and literary critic.  The story will take a new shape as you take a peep into the dreams and mythologies of the characters.  Your glasses will reveal multiple dimensions of reality as you look through the eyes of gender, ethnicity, economic status, age, political roles, regional boundaries, etc.  So, prepare to open your eyes and be absorbed into the world of Cold Mountain!

     By the end of this novel, your explorations should show how conceptual background influences your perceptions and analysis of a story and its characters! 

The Task

As an active reader, you will also become many different people.  To avoid getting lost in these multiple personalities, you will design a journal that will reflect your adventure through Cold Mountain.  By completing the main activities, you must:

  • Exercise lots of imagination!
  • Organize activities into a final product to share.
  • Explore the influence of perspective in literature and life.
  • Engage in multi-media research.
  • Recognize different themes that pervade through the novel.
  • Become aware of how your previous knowledge, feelings, and thoughts change the reading experience.
Disclaimer:  The creators of the webquest are not responsible for any side effects of the trip through Cold Mountain, which could cause intense excitement and unexpected perceptual adventures.

The Process

To begin the journey, the literary tour guide (your teacher) will separate you into survival clans of 4 students.  The clan will die if each person does not contribute their special skill during the activities.  There is no immunity! As a clan, you will do the following:

  1. Choose one of the three activities below to complete while reading Cold Mountain.  (Your tour guide may assign you to a specific activity.)  Look through the sites now to get an idea of objectives, goals, tasks, reading materials, etc.
  2. Decide how tasks will be completed.  Does each individual do a separate activity and combine them later, or does the group do them collectively?  If there is individual delegation, who will complete each task?
  3. Create a timeline of when different parts of the task will be completed and determine when each person will share his or her information with the other clan members.
  4. Depending on the activity, design an outline of how you plan to organize the final journal.
  5. Present the activity you choose, the roles of each member, and the timeline to the tour guide for approval.  After each session along the journey, you will give a brief written report to show how it's progressing.
  6. Have fun!
..   Characters!    .Dreams! 



The literary tour guide will use this rubric to determine the quality of your experience through Cold Mountain.  You will be assessed as a clan as well as an individual.  Keep this in mind as you work with your fellow adventurers and complete the tasks. 

Though the journey will be exhausting and your moods may fluctuate, you will be expected to act in the interest of the clan.  If not, you may be threatened, tarred and feathered, or left to the wild beasts (or enemy soldiers).  If you have survived, it is because your clan members valued your participation.  You must download the following graph to complete for each member of your clan.  It will help the tour guide establish the clan's overall cooperation.  Include the perceptual analysis of the characters in your clan at the end of your journal.  *****












No illustrations, pictures, drawings, photos, etc.  Very short writings.  No reflective thinking.
Not many illustrations.  Short writings.  Little reflective thinking.
Several illustrations.  Well-developed writings.  Evidence of reflective thinking.
Numerous illustrations.  High-quality writings.  Profound thought is evident.


Completed Tasks


Did not complete all tasks.
Completed some tasks but with little insight or effort.
Completed all tasks with the minimum amount of effort.
Completed all tasks with high effort, obvious quality, and deeper insight.


Organization and clarity


Journal does not have sections or any sign of coherency.  Assignments are randomly placed.
Journal has sections, but the placement and reasons for assignments are unclear.
Journal's sections are clearly organized and seem to follow a logical flow.
The organization of the journal enhances the overall effect and indicates the students' understanding of the material.


Group Participation


The student is present but doesn't actively participate.
Student gives minimal participation and doesn't contribute to group tasks.
Student participates and gives acceptable effort towards group tasks.
Student shows leadership within the group, contributes to group tasks and shares ideas.  Also gives respect towards other members.


You have reached victory!  Gratefully, the war is over, but sadly, you have come to an end in your journey through Cold Mountain.  However, you will never forget the intriguing characters you met along the way, especially the clan members who helped you survive through the chaos.  When you embark on future adventures, remember to be aware of which glasses of perspective you are wearing and attempt to step out of familiar footsteps in order to embrace and explore the unknown.  Finally, pay deep respect to your tour guide!

Credits & References

We would like to recognize and give thanks to the following resources:

  • Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier
  • Dr. Connie Ulmer, professor of Content Reading at Appalachian State University


Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page